Andy Kerr

Conservationist, Writer, Analyst, Operative, Agitator, Strategist, Tactitian, Schmoozer, Raconteur

Old-growth forest

The Forest Service Proposal to Save Its Old Growth: A Start, Though Inadequate

The Forest Service Proposal to Save Its Old Growth: A Start, Though Inadequate

If President Biden wants to be remembered in history for saving the nation’s remaining mature and old-growth forests and trees for the benefit of this and future generations, the Forest Service is going to have to do significantly more than what it has proposed so far.

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How Much Mature and Old-Growth Forest Does the US Have Left?

How Much Mature and Old-Growth Forest Does the US Have Left?

Any inventory reveals that most of the nation’s mature and old-growth forests have fallen to the saw. Not only must all that remains remain, but degraded forests should also be allowed to become mature and old-growth forests once again.

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Preforests in the American West, Part 1: Understanding Forest Succession

Preforests in the American West, Part 1: Understanding Forest Succession

As public lands conservationists continue their fight to save the last of the mature and old-growth forests for the benefit of this and future generations, we must not forget the preforests.

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